Try AstroBliss Lemonades

Why THC Infused Drinks Are Better Than Gummies
THC Lemonade

Why THC Infused Drinks Are Better Than Gummies

2025 is the year of the booze-free beverage. Well, that’s just according to the New York Times food predictions for 2025. With more alcohol-free options, like one of our THC Infused Drinks “AstroBliss THC Lemonade“, it’s become easier to find alternatives to alcohol. THC consumption has traditionally been kept to just smoking flower and eating gummies, or other edibles. However, in 2025, drinking your cannabis has never been easier. Some longtime THC users can be wary of switching from their favorite gummy or vape pen, but there are a plethora of reasons that THC infused drinks can be better than edibles or smoking – here’s why. 

Why THC Drinks are Better Than Edibles 

While edibles like gummies are a great way to get the amazing benefits from cannabis, they can sometimes work too slowly. By digesting a THC edible, the THC has to be processed through your liver, which can take time. Sometimes up to 2 hours, depending on your body composition and simple things like whether you drank water or ate enough. Because of this, feeling the effects of the edible can take too much time. With a THC drink, like AstroBliss THC Lemonade, you can feel the effects in as little as 15 minutes. This is a result of the cannabis being nano-imulsified into the drink, which means it can make you feel the desired effects within 15-30 minutes. With THC drinks, you can better plan for your day and feel the relief of THC quicker than with normal edibles. 

Why THC infused Beverages are Better Than Smoking 

The most obvious reason THC infused beverages are better than smoking flower, is because smoking is bad. While smoking is the quickest way to feel the effects of THC, it’s not always ideal to have to smoke. Not only is smoking not good for your health, but smoking is also smelly, and inconvenient. There are tons of laws prohibiting smoking in public spaces, or apartment buildings, houses, etc. Drinking an AstroBliss THC lemonade is discreet and you can enjoy it alone or share with friends. 

Why Cannabis Drinks are Better Than Other Non-Alcohol Alternatives The #1 complaint about people seeking a non-alcoholic beverage or alternative, is that there aren’t enough options that still can make you feel relaxed and sociable without the alcohol. That’s why cannabis drinks, like AstroBliss THC Lemonade, are a great option for people seeking to drink less alcohol to still be able to drink something where they can feel more sociable or relaxed. For someone who doesn’t ever use or drink cannabis, a 1-2mg dose is a perfect starter. For people with a lower cannabis tolerance, but have still used it before, 5mg is a traditional dose to feel the benefits and effects of cannabis. AstroBliss THC lemonade has a serving size on the back of the bottle so you can know exactly how much cannabis you are ingesting. A 2oz serving is a 5mg dose of cannabis, which perfectly fits into a shot glass. Just because you aren’t drinking as much alcohol doesn’t mean you can’t take shots! Or you can add a shot to a seltzer or mocktail of your choosing. We always recommend starting with less and adding more as you see fit. 

2025 is the year of non-alcoholic alternatives. We hope you find your favorite drink to help you curb your alcohol intake. AstroBliss THC Lemonade is the best antidote to drinking less alcohol, shop our 5 fruity flavors now!

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