Try AstroBliss Lemonades

How to Drink Less Alcohol
Drink Less Alcohol

How to Drink Less Alcohol

Sick of the nausea, hangxiety, and other health concerns that come with drinking alcohol? You are not alone. Alcohol consumption is as common as its nasty side effects. Trying to break this habit may seem difficult, but affirming your reasons to quit while branching out into the world of alternative beverages will change your life for the better!

Boozy drinks with friends after a long day seems appealing, but at what cost? The toll alcohol has on mental and physical health over time motivates a lot of people to drink less. It’s no secret that alcohol deteriorates your overall health by severely damaging your liver, pancreas, and heart. Not only are your vital organs compromised, but your immune system is weakened as well. There are plenty of other side effects your body endures at the expense of alcohol like fatigue, dehydration, and vertigo after a night of drinking. Too much drinking also impairs your brain’s important functions and chemical balances leading to possible anxiety and depression. Let’s get rid of these unnecessary health issues!

Cutting out alcohol does not mean you have to cut out fun. The industry for alternative beverages is on the rise with non-alcoholic infused drinks that will elevate everyone’s mood with no negative effects after. Our very own AstroBliss lemonades containing 30mg of THC and 20mg of CBD is the perfect alternative. The infusions in our lemonades guarantee a fast acting bliss to each consumer, making social gatherings or just chilling at home an uplifting experience. With multiple servings in each bottle, it is easy to control your level of buzz while also being shareable among friends. With a selection of flavors to choose from, AstroBliss makes a great base for fruity mocktails that will help you ditch alcohol. Take the edge off in a new way that avoids hangovers and is refreshingly relaxing! 
As you embark on your alcohol-free journey, we hope each step contributes to the healthy life you deserve. May your decision to drink less alcohol pull you into the euphoric realm of AstroBliss lemonades. Learn more about our THC-infused beverages at or in person at AstroBrew located in West Tampa. Cheers to a healthier mind and body!

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