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Hiding that “hemp” Taste
Delta 9 THC Tampa

Hiding that “hemp” Taste

Hiding That “hemp” Taste

If you have ever tasted a hemp tincture you are probably well aware that the taste that comes with it is not for everyone. This taste stems from how the hemp is extracted. Most people will agree that the taste is akin to an ‘earthy’ flavor. Because of this, some hemp users search for ways to make this taste a bit more palatable. Here are 7 ways to hide the earthy flavor of our full spectrum CBD tinctures. 

  • Drop some in your morning coffee 

Depending on how you take your morning elixir, coffee can be the perfect way to mask the taste of hemp. If you take your coffee with milk or cream, try mixing the tincture into this, bonus points for frothing

  • Mix into your favorite iced beverage

Whether you’re drinking an iced matcha, kombucha, tea, or flavored sparkling water all of these are perfect for adding your hemp tincture to. Make sure to stir your hemp tincture into your beverage to better mask the taste

  • Add to a smoothie 

With all the flavors of the fruits and veggies in a smoothie, it’s the perfect vehicle for adding hemp tincture too. Try pineapple, strawberry, banana, spinach, your milk of choice, and the recommended dosage of hemp tincture for a chill treat. You won’t taste the hemp, or the spinach!

  • Have a snack nearby 

You don’t need to add your tincture to drinks if you want to mask the taste of your hemp tincture. All you need to do is have your favorite snack of choice nearby to mask the earthy taste. Drop the tincture under your tongue and immediately eat your snack of choice. 

  • Eat a mint 

One of the best ways to mask the hemp taste is putting a mint in your mouth and then dropping your tincture under your tongue. This ensures that you will not taste the tincture, but you will have fresh breath instead. 

  • Brush your teeth right before you take tincture 

This is an easy way to remember to take your hemp tincture and to build it into your personal care routine. Just brush your teeth and then drop your hemp tincture under your tongue and you will barely taste the tincture. 

  • Drop some honey on your tongue 

Who doesn’t love a little bit of honey? Drop some honey on your tongue before you drop your hemp tincture under your tongue. You’ll only taste the sweetness of the honey and not the earthiness of the hemp tincture.

If you’re the type of person who doesn’t like the taste of hemp tincture, that doesn’t mean you have to suffer. Try these 7 different ways to hide the taste of hemp tinctures to feel the chill bliss of hemp without the flavor. If these methods don’t work for you, our hemp gummies may be better for you!

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